
by ajza


A new home.  I’m home.

My other home was good, too; it was filled with healing and being clear, but this one has windows that let you see out in all the directions and a backyard and it feels like a home and is filled with people and dogs and a family of things and beings being.  It is good.  I guess i’ll get some patio lanterns and i even feel like digging up the soil, slowly, slowly, and putting things in it.  It’s good to be home.

Beside the house/home, on the east side, the smallish space between the east wall of this house and the west wall of its neighbour, a robin has built a nest.  Is there anything but hope and renewal about a robin?  The robin has babies now because my neighbour pointed out a robin’s egg blue (best colour) egg on the ground, and the robin that i’ve seen looks strong and tired and busy and beautiful, so she’s obviously a mom.

Many of the windows on the house have a lever and they open outward from the bottom, and this morning, the robin-mom, in her food gathering mission, somehow got caught in the space under the open window of my dining room while i drank some tea.  It was a pretty big fiasco with frantic wings flapping and akimbo, disorder, and a lot of noise, and my heart panicked a little while the robin mom panicked because of compassion and post-traumatic stress probably;), but together we figured it out and it turned out the window could open just a little wider, which was wide enough, thank goodness, for her to find her way out with her beakful of food for her brand-new babies.  And everyone was ok.

The other neighbours stopped by with wine, baguette, but the robin wins because hope.